Why is the sky blue in the morning and reddish orange in the evening?
Jude Ignatius (JI)
from Coimbatore

(Image Credits: Pinterest | Image by VectorStock)
Why is the sky blue during the morning and red during the evening?
The sky is blue because of a law called Rayleighs law of scattering, which occurs when white light from the sun scatters as it passes through the Earths atmosphere.
Blue lights wavelength is shorter than other colors, so it scatters more and is more visible to the human eye, making the sky appear blue.
At noon, when the sun is directly overhead, the sky appears white because the light travels a shorter distance through the atmosphere.
As the sun gets lower in the sky, its light passes through more of the atmosphere, allowing more red and yellow light to reach our eyes. Larger particles of dust, pollution, and water vapor in the atmosphere can also reflect and scatter more red and yellow light, sometimes making the western sky appear red.