What is a Black Hole?
Jude Ignatius (JI)
from Coimbatore
Image credits: Daily SabahWhat are blackholes, you ask. Well here is your answer:
Black Holes are dark areas in space that could not be the remnants of huge stars that have burned out. There is incredubly immense gravitational force inside a black hole. Therefore, Nothing ever comes out, not even light. No radiation of light has ever found tocome out of a black hole.
In 1907, it was the German astronomer Karl Schwargschild who predicted the existence of black holes. Karl proved that all stars having their mass three times than the sun will collapse becoming more compact. This process continues to the extent that nothing (not even light) can escape from its enourmous gravity.
A star passes throuh different stages in its life. New stars are born all the times from nebulae- which are clouds of gas and dust. Parts of the nebulae collapse under gravity and become dense at the centre to form a protostar. From this stage onwards, nuclear fusion start and energy is released and the star passes through a series of stages and finally reaches the stage at which it will become extremely dense. According to the general Theory of Relativity, at this stage, it would stretch space into an infintely deep chasm- black hole.