Let us save Earth before it is too late
Today is the day everyone knows about , Earth day . This is the day
when people around the globe celebrate Earth day to show thier support and raise awarness of environmental issues .
image credites : marshall.edu
Earth day was first created by senator Gaylord Nelson on april 2022 1970 , he created it because he felt that no safety measures were taken concerning our environment , people were not bothered to save our environment from poluting it . There was no EPA , no clean water act and no clean air act , so senator Gaylord Nelson stepped up and created Earth day to create awarness towards the polution and saving our environment
Gaylord Anton Nelson was an American politician and environmentalist from winsconsin ( 4th june 1916 - 3rd july 2005 )
we too must just like him create an awarness in our nieghbourhood
and we must practice it .
Like for example we can conserve energy by walking or using a bycycle to nearby places instead of using your car or bike , in this way we can reduce the fossil fuel used and also reduce climate change . climate change is also a thing we have to pay attention to because of human's increased use of fossil fuel and some other reasons have lead to rapid climate change , this can increase the heat rapidly since fossil fuels produce heat-trapping gases ( green house gases ) .
image credits : istockphoto.com
we should stop the use of pastics and use other materials such as
jute , cloth E.T.C . We should stop using fossil fuels as much as we can and start using a public transport or a car pool , we should stop the tap when not in use and fix leaking ones . We should not pollute the water this will affect us and the marine life in it .
Factories release hazardous chemicals into the water or in the air this should be prevented and an alternative method should be put in place .
We have to create an awarness towards these problems and stop them , otherwise in a few more years Earth will become inhabitable . Only if we create a change the future will be safe . Save Earth and keep celebrating more Earth days .
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